Project Overview

Project status

Project manager or
resource person

Association canadienne des professionnels de l’immersion (ACPI)

Virtual rendez-vous : ACPI reçoit, Droit au but, Podcasts, Coups de cœur culturels, Jasettes pédagogiques

The virtual rendez-vous are open to teachers, educational consultants or any other immersion professional who is a member of ACPI/CAIP. The activities are an opportunity to discuss a topic related to immersion with a guest speaker.

The following training activities are offered:

  • ACPI Reçoit [ACPI hosts] A series of video interviews with a French Immersion expert featuring relevant topics, promising practices and thought-provoking sharing.
  • Droit au but [straight to the point]: A series of video interviews in which FI teachers are asked about their best practices in a hybrid or remote learning context.
  • Balados [podcasts] A stimulating 30-minute discussion with experts who reveal three of the most important things to remember about a key concept in immersion teaching, learning or leadership.
  • Coups de cœur culturels [cultural picks] A series to help support immersion professionals in maintaining and enhancing their language security. The short clips feature films, readings, comedians, television shows, etc. with a view to promoting French Canadian or international productions and artists showcasing the French language
  • Jasettes pédagogiques [educational chats] Monthly educational chats for teachers, educational consultants, administrators and other immersion professionals inspired by the ACPI reçoit or Balados du mois episodes and best practices in immersion.

Targeted Results

To enhance the language learning tools available to them online.
By providing them with relevant professional development opportunities.
By giving them the opportunity to enhance their language and cultural skills.
To encourage teachers to stay in the profession and feel less isolated.

Main takeaways (learnings)

  • Teachers need help with virtual teaching.
  • We need to be aware of the importance of being concise in training courses, because teachers are very busy people.
  • The discovery of experts in all forms of pedagogy has enabled us to develop an excellent list of resource persons.
  • Virtual Rendez-vous is an interesting tool that can be used as a springboard for local training meetings, etc.

Potential/desired collaborations

Any organization/institution in need of virtual teaching tools and e-learning expertise
  • It's useful to have access to ACPI's resources to enrich our service offering.
French immersion professionals
  • The activities are both useful and relevant.
Faculties of Education
  • Activities can enrich student learning.

Digital platforms and documents for consultation or sharing

Digital platforms and documents for consultation or sharing

Apart from the Jasettes pédagogiques [educational chats], virtual rendez-vous activities are for members only.