Project Overview

Project status

Project manager or
resource person

Partner organization(s)

Manitoba school divisions that offer French immersion programs
Division scolaire franco-manitobaine (DSFM)

Manitoba Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning

Research on the retention of FFL and FSL teachers in Manitoba schools

The project has two phases. In the first phase, a consultant conducts research that includes reviewing relevant literature, collecting quantitative and qualitative data on the factors influencing teachers’ decision to stay in their school district, profession or province, and identifying best practices. The second phase involves the preparation of a report by the consultant with recommendations for teacher retention in Manitoba. The report will be shared with the Division scolaire franco-manitobaine (DSFM) and school divisions offering FI programs.

Manitoba and partners in the French First Language (FFL)/French Second Language (FSL)-French Immersion (FI) continuum in Manitoba receive compelling data on current retention rates in rural and urban areas, considerations that lead teachers to leave the profession or province, and recommended steps aimed at retaining their FFL/FSL-FI teachers. The project helps address the shortage of FFL/FSL-FI teachers.

Targeted Results

A report outlining the findings and recommendations of an extensive study on the issue of retention among teachers working in the DSFM and the Manitoba FI program.
The inclusion of strategies identified in the provincial strategic plan for the training, recruitment and retention of teachers in FFL/FSL-FI programs in Manitoba.

Potential/desired collaborations

National organizations (e.g. ACPI)
  • National organizations often have the credibility, perspective and ease of communicating with other provinces.
Provinces with a similar profile to Manitoba (e.g. Saskatchewan and Alberta)
  • To share experiences.
  • To share data, information and resources.

Digital platforms and documents for consultation or sharing

Digital platforms and documents for consultation or sharing

The final report will be shared with the National Table on French as a Second Language (NTFSL).