Project Overview

Project status

Project manager or
resource person

Partner organization(s)


Canadian Parents for French—British Columbia and Yukon Branch

L’accueil chaleureux - New French Teacher Welcome Project

This ambitious project is focused on improving retention of new French teachers in their first 1–3 years of teaching. By working with dedicated Canadian Parents for French British Columbia volunteers, new French teachers feel better connected socially and culturally in their new home communities.

Through the two components of this program, it is hoped that retention of new French teachers will improve by helping them feel better connected both socially and culturally.

Component 1: Social Connection

The social connection component provides funding to volunteer chapters to welcome new teachers. As a Community Host, volunteers will be connected with one or more new French teachers in their community. Throughout the school year, Community Hosts will meet with the new teacher(s) monthly and introduce them to the community—helping to make social connections and show what makes the area a special place to live.

Component 2: Cultural Connection

The cultural connection component provides a grant to support new teachers to organize a French socio-cultural event in the community. It is hoped that support with the activity will boost their confidence and enthusiasm for teaching French.

Targeted Results

More teachers are available to teach in French immersion and second-language programs in both urban and rural settings.
Teachers in French immersion and second-language programs feel a stronger sense of self-efficacy in both urban and rural settings.
A lower rate of teacher turnover in French immersion and second-language programs is achieved.

Main takeaways (learnings)

  • It is helpful to work in collaboration with partners for project promotion in order to encourage teachers to carry through with connections to community volunteers/hosts.

Potential/desired collaborations

School districts
  • For promotion
  • To connect with teachers.
Community organizations within BC that work with teachers
  • To help connect with teachers.
  • To offer support within communities.
  • To identify hosts from other community organizations.
ACPI, CASLT and any other provincial or national organization that works with FSL teachers
  • For promotion and information.
  • To establish potential partnerships around teacher retention.

Digital platforms and documents for consultation or sharing