Project Overview

Project status

Project manager or
resource person

Partner organization(s)

Red Deer Polytechnic

Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta

Training Space: Growing Capacity to Meet Teacher Demand

This four-year project proposes to open program spaces in education and hire staff for a four-year Bachelor of Education program (BEd) and a two-year Bachelor of Education After Degree (BEd/AD) program, to promote the programs locally and start enrolment, then move to full implementation of the programs in Grande Prairie in the North, Red Deer and Calgary in the South, in fiscal years two, three and four of the project. In the mid to long term, this project will contribute to increasing the number of teachers in French Minority Language (FML) schools and French Second Language (FSL) programs by expanding access to Campus Saint-Jean's BEd Programs to Northern and Southern Alberta.

Most student teachers coming out of the Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ) in Edmonton find employment in the Edmonton area. School districts in northern and southern Alberta have encouraged the Government of Alberta to consider having a teacher preparation program closer to their communities. Preliminary steps have been taken to secure local infrastructure in the three areas, establish partnerships with school districts, and tailor course structure and content to meet regional needs.

YEAR 1: Hire administrative staff, secure instructor list, promote program, begin enrolment.

YEAR 2: Review and hire instructors, begin full program implementation in Calgary and Grande Prairie, including practicums.

YEAR 3: Review and hire instructors, begin full program implementation in Calgary, Red Deer and Grande Prairie, including practicums.

YEAR 4: As in phase 2 with preparation for satellite program mobility in another region, as needed.

Targeted Results

Implement new programs in Calgary, Red Deer and Grande Prairie.
Increase the number of French Minority Language (FML) and French Second Language (FSL) teachers in Grande Prairie, Red Deer and Calgary.

Main takeaways (learnings)

  • Since Campus Saint-Jean had no presence in Calgary, it was important to be part of the Francophone and Francophile community to build loyalty.

Potential/desired collaborations

Post-secondary institutions and faculties of education outside Alberta (e.g. Yukon)
  • The 2-year program could be offered completely online.
School boards, divisions and districts
  • To train students from other western and northern territories.
English-language post-secondary institutions with faculties of education
  • To offer a bilingual program at the Bachelor of Education level.

Digital platforms and documents for consultation or sharing

Digital platforms and documents for consultation or sharing

Campus St-Jean web page