Project Overview

Project status

Project manager or
resource person

Partner organization(s)

Forty universities and provincial and territorial ministries of education.

Association canadienne des professionnels de l'immersion

Survey and strategic advice on supply and demand for university FSL training in the context of the teacher shortage

This survey and strategic advice project proposes an inventory, as well as analysis of the obstacles and challenges experienced by faculties of education with regard to the places allocated to future teachers. An inventory of solutions to be considered will be developed to meet the demand for French immersion teachers as identified in a subsequent study to quantify the shortage. Ultimately, the strategic advice from this survey of universities and ministries of education will support the community (school boards, ministries and universities) in their efforts to increase the pool of education students and graduates to meet the growing demand for French immersion teachers.

The project seeks to:

  • Better understand the current picture and the state of play in terms of the supply of seats, enrolment and graduation in Bachelor of Education and specialized French second language teaching programs in Canadian universities.


  • Conduct an inventory of the barriers and best practices of universities in their efforts to increase enrolment in education programs to meet current and future demand.


  • Produce a strategic opinion with possible solutions that can be used as a quantitative and qualitative argument by all those affected by the shortage of French immersion teachers (universities, educational institutions and government departments) in the provinces and territories.

Targeted Results

Increased awareness of the state of teacher recruitment and retention in education programmes.
Increased knowledge of the barriers and limitations faced by the university community in training future teachers.
An inventory of best practices and promising solutions for increasing the number of students and graduates in education programs.
Hope to increase the pool of teachers available for French immersion and second language programs in urban and rural areas.

Potential/desired collaborations

Provincial and territorial ministries of education and forty universities
  • To carefully consider the recommendations presented in this strategic advice.
  • To take a collaborative approach to implementing solutions that will reduce the impact and shortage of qualified FSL teachers across the country.
  • To overcome the current challenges and ensure a promising future for FSL teaching in Canada.

Digital platforms and documents for consultation or sharing

Digital platforms and documents for consultation or sharing

ACPI news release issued June 6th, 2023: "Recruitment in university education programs: a solution to increase the pool of new FSL teachers?"
Executive summary of the strategic review and survey report, June 6, 2023.
Strategic Review and survey report (full version): "Issues related to recruitment in university education programs and possible solutions to increase the pool of new FSL teachers", June 6, 2023.